COVID-19 Infection

After all, I have been infected with COVID-19. I guess the infection route was an Izakaya restaurant because they started temporarily closed after I visited.

  • 8/29(Mon): Sore throat
  • 8/30(Tue): Slight fever
  • 8/31(Wed): 38.0C at night
  • 9/1(Thu): 38.0C in the morning. I used sick leave for work.
  • 9/2(Fri): Almost recovered. I ate a pear sent by my parents, but it was not as sweet as I thought. It might have been a mild taste disorder.
  • ~9/8(Thu): Self-quarantine.

I used SEIYU Net Supermarket while self-quarantine. If we live alone, we have to rely on delivery. But this operation also relies on trust that people will behave well.
My symptom wasn’t bad, but I was sad that I had to miss a plan with my friend I hadn’t seen in 6 or 7 years. He has gone back overseas, so I don’t know when I will see him again.
For the past 2 and a half years, I haven’t experienced severe conditions due to the pandemic. I might be one of the most unaffected people because I’m exactly a healthy 20’s guy working in the IT industry from home living alone. Finally, I feel like getting involved in society.

Mountain Marathon(Sep. 10)

I was thinking about what I wanted to do when I finally could go outside. Then, I decided to go to the mountain to exercise extremely, just to eat delicious foods. Although I was a little concerned about the affection of COVID-19 on my body and getting out of shape due to 10 days of restraint, I decided to go as far as I could go because there are some escape paths to shorten the route.

Yakeyama Trailhead - Mt. Hiru - Mt. Tanzawa - Mt. Oyama - Turumaki Hot spring
Image below links to YAMAP

I didn’t feel any degradation in my cardiopulmonary and endurance at that time. I was relieved on this point because I had heard that not a few people have long-COVID symptoms. Regarding climbing, I wondered if runners of trail running can run even uphill because I barely did that. On the way downhill, I could go with the tempo to just put my leg on the ground.
Some people say that we can organize our thinking while walking alone apart from distractions both physically and mentally. However, I don’t have too many things to think about so far. Of course, we need to train ourselves to state something and not be able to acquire it naturally. So that I have been trying this blog though.