Mt. Chokai

Mt. Chokai is a single-peak mountain - it’s defined in several ways, I just wanted to climb the mountain like Mt. Daisen which I’ve ever climbed the most.

  • Timeline on the day
    Fukura Port(6:00 am) - Nagasaka Trailhead - Mt. Chokai(11:00 am) - Mansuke Trailhead - Jurizuka Beach(16:00 pm)
    I arrived at Sakata city on the previous day. On the next day, the daily first train from Sakata to Fukura station would arrive at 5:53 am. To return to Tokyo on the day, the time limit was at Yuza station at 17:52 pm. Chokai Image above links to YAMAP

  • Updated my mind
    Since I started working, It may have been the first short trip that I had not planned (I planned just Friday). It’s Meaningful in terms that I have recognized nothing prevents me from doing that. I just decide by myself.